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D2.2 report Key data for characterising sources, transport options, storage and uses in the promising regions

STRATEGY CCUS is producing detailed industrial CCUS planning in eight southern and eastern European regions. Local teams have conducted assessments and implemented a methodology to produce a preliminary overview of the technical potential to develop ICCUS clusters and networks.This report includes an appendix with detailed information and regional maps.

D2.1 report Methodologies for cluster development and best practices for data collection in the promising regions: Part 1 Industrial CCUS Clusters and CO2 transport systems - methodologies for characterisation and definition

This report has been prepared to help local teams in the STRATEGY CCUS Project define options and scope for potential ICCS clusters in their regions, including the CO2 collection and trunk transport systems needed to connect to a storage site. The report draws on experience from existing CCS cluster projects in Northern Europe and proposes a basic methodological approach for the definition of new ICCS clusters. A parallel report, forming part of the same project deliverable, covers assessment of suitable storage sites.

D2.1 report Methodologies for cluster development and best practices for data collection in the promising regions: Part 2 Bridging the Gap Storage Resource Assessment Methodologies

This report reviews and describes resource assessment methodologies, providing a best practice approach to the regional appraisal of geological CO2 utilisation and storage. The report complements the accompanying STRATEGY CCUS report on methodologies for characterising industrial clusters and CO2 transport systems.